
Are You Weighing Divorce Alternatives? 4 Reasons Why You Should Choose The Uncontested Divorce


Separating from someone you have shared a life with is a complex matter. There are usually so many variables that affect the outcome. Taking the uncontested option is a recommended way to ease the strain that results from the entire process. However, you need to figure out whether an uncontested divorce is the right choice for you before you go this route. You and your spouse have to agree on the terms and conditions of the separation process before embarking on it.

18 November 2021

Grounds For Divorce: Do They Matter?


All states now allow married couples to be divorced without having to state fault. Other than irreconcilable differences, there is no need to state any grounds for divorce either. However, that doesn't mean that the reason for the divorce doesn't matter. To learn more, read on. If Grounds Are Present It's up to the parties when it comes to naming grounds. Nothing requires the parties to place blame for the destruction of the marriage on any party.

18 August 2021

What Is A Child Custody Modification, And When Should You Ask For One?


Child custody attorneys often have to ask the court to make changes to the arrangements governing where a kid lives and how parents interact with them. The tool of choice for this job is modification. If you're dealing with an existing and legally recognized child custody situation, you may need a modification to address one of a wide range of concerns. You should know what a modification is and when to seek one.

18 May 2021

Mediators Can Help You With Complex Child Custody Agreements


After a family split, the struggles and challenges that come along with the situation are not reserved for a certain group of people. Families of all sizes, backgrounds, and socioeconomic groups face the same challenges, and fortunately, through mediation, each of these families has the opportunity to make it past these events. If you and the other parent of your children have decided to part ways, learn how family mediation can help with creating a custody agreement.

10 February 2021

Will Filing Bankruptcy Force A Creditor To Refund Garnished Wages?


Wage garnishment is a creditor's trump card, letting them legally siphon off as much as 25 percent of your earnings. In addition to immediately ending the garnishment, filing bankruptcy may also let you get back some of the money taken. Here's what's involved in the process. The Automatic Stay Shuts Down Collection Action Filing bankruptcy activates the automatic stay rule, which forces creditors to immediately discontinue all collection activities. If you're being sued in court for non-payment, the creditor would have to withdraw its case, for example.

16 September 2020

How To Respond After Receiving A Divorce Petition From Your Spouse


When a couple makes the decision to divorce, it is typically just one spouse who goes to a divorce lawyer to file the paperwork. One of the documents filed is called a divorce petition, and this is the document that basically starts the divorce process. If your spouse recently filed this, you should be receiving a copy of it soon, and here are several things to know about how you should respond to it.

11 December 2019

3 Things You Should Not Do When Getting Divorced


It can take lot of time, money, and energy to go through a divorce, and it can be even costlier and more problematic if you make mistakes during your divorce. To help your divorce run smoother and have better results for you, here are three things you should not do while getting divorced. Handle the divorce through a do-it-yourself option It can be so tempting to consider a do-it-yourself (DIY) divorce, especially if you compare the price differences with these and using a lawyer, but DIY divorces are almost never a good idea.

24 October 2019

How To Determine Where To Get Divorced If You & Your Spouse Live In Different States


When you and your spouse live in the same state, in order to get divorced, you just need to follow the rules of that state for getting a divorce. When you and your spouse live in two different states, you will need to take a few things into consideration before determining which state to file for divorce in. State Residency Requirements First, you need to figure out if either you or your spouse meets the residence requirements to file for divorce in the states that you both reside in.

1 July 2019

How to Divorce When You Live Abroad


Being married to someone who lives in another country will pose a fair number of challenges. Unfortunately, if you decide to part ways, the process of divorce will also have a few challenges you'll need to navigate. Regardless of whether or not the divorce is amicable, there could jurisdictional challenges that must be handled in such a divorce. When you're living abroad and your spouse lives in the United States, there are a few things you'll need to do in such a situation.

29 April 2019

Tips For Getting Your Fair Share Of The Household Items When Going Through A Divorce


If you're going through a divorce, it might be important to you to get your fair share of the household items. Some people worry about not getting what they are entitled to when they get a divorce, and this is something that happens to some people. However, you can help make sure that you get what is owed to you by following these steps. Hire an Attorney The first thing that pretty much anyone who is going through a divorce should do is hire a divorce attorney, even if things seem to be fairly amicable between you and the person who you are divorcing.

18 February 2019