How Could Colorado's New DUI Law Affect You?


If you live in Colorado and have a DUI arrest or two under your belt, you may already be aware that the state's laws are some of the loosest in the nation when it comes to repeat DUI offenders. In fact, Colorado is one of the only states in which even an infinite number of DUI convictions won't cause you to permanently lose your driving privileges or spend a day in prison. However, lawmakers have recently taken steps to change this law and crack down on repeat DUI offenders. Read on to learn more about how a change in state law may significantly impact your future traffic stops.

What are the typical penalties for a DUI in Colorado?

Although the potential penalties for a conviction for driving under the influence can vary by state, most states have similar structures -- intended to deter the first-time offender by avoiding significant fines or jail time, but requiring a probationary period that will provide additional incentive to avoid traffic infractions or further skirmishes with the law. As individuals rack up repeat DUI convictions, the penalties become stiffer. In many states, multiple DUI convictions within a relatively short period of time can result in the permanent revocation of driving privileges with no possibility of reinstatement.

Colorado differs from other states in that prosecutors and courts may treat a driver's fourth or tenth DUI conviction just as they treated the first one. As a result, some Colorado residents ended up with more DUI convictions than they could count on both hands, yet were still permitted to drive -- even after demonstrating they could not reliably handle this responsibility.

What is set to change with Colorado's new DUI law?

In an effort to increase state traffic safety, lawmakers have introduced (and the governor has signed) legislation rendering an individual's 4th DUI conviction an automatic felony. Along with this felony charge includes a potential 6 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (in addition to attorney fees and other costs). By significantly increasing both the time commitment and monetary cost of multiple DUIs, this law intends to remove dangerous drivers from the streets.

If you've already received more than a single DUI under the old law and still occasionally drive after drinking a beer or two, you'll want to curb this practice. It often doesn't take much to exceed the 0.08 percent blood alcohol level that signifies legal intoxication -- and if you do happen to be involved in an accident or are pulled over for speeding, you could find yourself well on your way to a lengthy prison sentence and permanent driver's license revocation. To find out more, contact someone like Medeiros & Associates.


10 June 2015

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